Staying “Trendy” while marketing the goods! Why advertising is growth & revenue focused
In today’s marketing world, prospecting clients are looking for an agency that can provide them with growth and revenue. Which is what everyone is looking for, right? To find an agency that can speak the language of their brand. For an agency to stand out amongst the crowd, prospectors are looking for marketing tactics that will transfer to growth and revenue. Because at the end of the day, it’s about selling more to the consumers, and growing your company.
As we take a look back at technology and digital marketing, there has been an extremely large growth in the transitioning of these changes. Did you know that the most popular devices used to browse the web are mobile phones?
“More Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the U.S. and Japan” (Google, 2015).
So, what do we do with this information? And how do we drive leads that transition into revenue for the client? I’ll tell you how, by providing the prospecting client with revenue-focused marketing. Revenue-focused marketing takes all of the marketing strategies of the business into consideration. It is data-driven that focuses on marketing analytics and reports that assist the agency in campaigns that drive revenue, ie. social media and digital ads. Some strategies may require revisions and constant supervision in order to adjust and compete with the leaders in the industry. But hey, it’s been proven to drive leads, and this is what we want!
Improving your companies SEO and increasing the amount of traffic to the website via organic searches, has proven to also be effective when constructing your website to be appealing to search engines. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, and the agency you chose should be an expert in the SEO tactics that will speak to marketing your brand.
“Google gets over 100 billion searches a month” (Mashable, 2015).
Although these revenue-focused marketing tactics are proven to be effective in growth and revenue, agencies are expected to be creative and inventive in marketing the brand. We can’t forget about those tactics! The quality of work the agency provides, understanding the businesses culture, and sticking to the budget are not to be forgotten. So, when you’re ready to find that perfect agency, do your research, and find the agency that’s right for you!